By Battle Ready Ministries. “Global Lane” Unveils Revelation 911 with Pastor Paul Begley and Troy Anderson! Prepare for a Thrilling Ride!Join us as Troy, Vice President and COO of Battle Ready Ministries, and his co-author, Pastor Paul Begley, unveil the timely insights of their new release, 'Revelation 911,' on CNB: Global Lane. This illuminating interview promises celestial insights, timely revelations, and profound wisdom. Don't miss this enlightening discussion on Celestial Signs and Wonders
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Celestial Signs and Wonders | CBN News | The…
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By Battle Ready Ministries. “Global Lane” Unveils Revelation 911 with Pastor Paul Begley and Troy Anderson! Prepare for a Thrilling Ride!Join us as Troy, Vice President and COO of Battle Ready Ministries, and his co-author, Pastor Paul Begley, unveil the timely insights of their new release, 'Revelation 911,' on CNB: Global Lane. This illuminating interview promises celestial insights, timely revelations, and profound wisdom. Don't miss this enlightening discussion on Celestial Signs and Wonders