Is the New King of England a Globalist Proponent of the Great Reset?
The Era of King Charles III and the New World Order Begins
AUTHORS AVAILABLE FOR MEDIA INTERVIEWS: U.S. Army Chaplain (Colonel) David J. Giammona & Troy Anderson, authors of The Military Guide to Disarming Deception: Battlefield Tactics to Expose the Enemy's Lies and Triumph in Truth. MEDIA CONTACT: Troy Anderson, troyanderson.writer@gmail,
By Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
On November 1, 2021, then Prince Charles, speaking at the COP 26 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, called for a global “fundamental economic transition” that is accomplished without the approval of sovereign nation-states, “beyond even the governments of the world leaders.” He added that this transition would cost “trillions—not billions—of dollars” and would require a “vast military-style campaign.”
Now, as King Charles III, 73, takes the reign of leadership in the British monarchy following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, we must understand the fundamental global changes that will take place.
While Queen Elizabeth II held onto the vestiges of post-World War II ideas and principles, not so with the new king who will wield a great deal of power and influence not only over the United Kingdom but the world since he is an advocate for the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” agenda, the goal of which is to end American sovereignty and usher in a new technocratic system of global governance largely controlled by corporations who partner with the WEF and their network of globalist bodies and organizations.
“With the economic fallout from COVID-19 dominating risk perceptions, this is a rare window of opportunity to shape a more sustainable, resilient world,” Kate Whiting, a senior writer at the World Economic Forum, wrote in an article. “And starting (June 3, 2020), the World Economic Forum is working with HRH (His Royal Highness) The Prince of Wales on an initiative coined Great Reset, to guide decision-makers on the rocky path ahead.”
After the “Great Reset” goes fully online, perhaps by 2030, a World Economic Forum video says people “will own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”
Ida Auken, a World Economic Forum contributor, wrote the following in her Forbes article, “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy and Life Has Never Been Better.”
“Welcome to the year 2030,” Auken wrote. “Welcome to my city - or should I say, ‘our city.’ I don't own anything. I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any clothes. It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much.”
Donald Trump, Globalism and King Charles III
We have maintained for some years that the main reason for the vehement opposition to former President Donald Trump goes far beyond his prickly personality, mean tweets, and likeability. He’s not one of them, meaning he’s not a globalist. He wants to make America great again by being first place in the world in economics, power, and leadership. This is the exact opposite of the global elite’s agenda, which now at the front of the line, as its chief advocate, is King Charles III.
The world as we know it has been coming to a tumultuous climax for decades. When you hear the phrases “climate change,” “new world order,” “Great Reset,” “international cooperation,” and “civilizing mission,” just think of a one-world government.
When I (Col. David Giammona) was a student at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, almost every book I read stated that the only way to attain world peace and stability was by having a world government. It makes sense to the natural mind. Who wouldn’t want a stable and peaceful world?
But we know from reading the Bible that figures known as the Antichrist and False Prophet will rise to power one day, ruling over the nations. This is the dangerous path the world now finds itself on.
Apparently, the global elites don’t think the rest of us can govern ourselves properly so they must institute their new world order.
Prince Philip and the Human Population ‘Reaching Plague Proportions’
Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II and father of King Charles III, in a video interview in 1984 summarized his thoughts about the problems on the planet and globalization, saying the human population” “is reaching plague proportions.”
In other words, there must be some sort of population control. This is reminiscent of the thinking of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, former Soviet Union dictator Joseph Stalin, and Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong who killed tens of millions of people, including millions of their own people, to gain control of their world.
Today, many globalists and technocrats are at work to move the world into a dangerous new era.
The Transnational Institute, an international research and advocacy institute committed to building a just, sustainable and sustainable planet, issued the following warning in an article titled, “The Corporate Capture of Global Governance and What We are Doing About It.”
“In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, transnational corporations are seeking to cement their control of global governance, ensuring it serves the interests of business and profits rather than the well-being of humanity,” the institute stated.
In other words, large international corporations are causing the big problems on earth
by taking the wealth and distributing it to those who are already very wealthy. Here is their solution:
“Transnational corporations are directly responsible for many of the global crises we face. The solutions will only come from building a strong public, democratic and efficient multilateral system. It is urgent to expose the global and systemic trend towards corporate capture in various forums and uniting real democratic opposition….”
“The World Economic Forum has developed and pushed for the privatization of global governance for decades. The 'Great Reset' is just the latest iteration of the gradual corporate takeover of global institutions, such as the UN (United Nations) and other international bodies, that take critical decisions over the governance of global common goods like food, water, health, internet, and others.”
Translation: The World Economic Forum and the elite want a one-world government to further increase their wealth and power.
The only problem is that history shows us what happens when man’s greed kicks in as it always does and there a few at the top and the rest of us begging for the crumbs (read George Orwell’s Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four).
U.S. Army Chaplain (Col.) David Giammona is an end-times expert, scholar, author, writer, speaker, and president of Battle Ready Ministries. He is co-author with Troy Anderson of the bestsellers The Military Guide to Armageddon and The Military Guide to Disarming Deception. Find out more at and
Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, bestselling co-author of The Babylon Code, Trumpocalypse, The Military Guide to Armageddon and The Military Guide to Disarming Deception, executive editor of The Return International, vice president of Battle Ready Ministries, president of the Inspire Literary Group, and former executive editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media and reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News. Find out more at, and
News and Remarks by President Donald Trump Regarding Queen Elizabeth II
Newsmax: Queen Elizabeth II, UK's Longest-serving Monarch, Dead at 96
Newsmax: Trump: 'Deeply Saddened' for Loss of 'Historic' Queen
Christianity Today: Died: Queen Elizabeth II, British Monarch Who Put Her Trust in God
Charisma News: BREAKING NEWS: Queen Elizabeth II Dies at 96 After 70 Years on the English Throne
CBN News: Queen Elizabeth II Dead at 96 after 70 Years on the Throne
Thanks for that summary "On November 1, 2021, then Prince Charles, speaking at the COP 26 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, called for a global 'fundamental economic transition' that is accomplished without the approval of sovereign nation-states, 'beyond even the governments of the world leaders.' He added that this transition would cost “trillions—not billions—of dollars” and would require a 'vast military-style campaign.'”
In that speech Prince Charles referred to a "HE" as an individual who has " HIS disposal." Who is this HE Prince Charles referred to? Is it possible they all know who the coming A/C is? They have committed one of the greatest hoodwinks of history from Dominoe effect of 1913 Fed Reserve Act and now to redistribute over $30 trillion to a couple small entities. Thank and continue to lead the way for others to salvation.